Sunday, February 24, 2008

linking to my posts

I received some feedback:
"I think you ought to consider putting each post on its own page, that way I could post the link for others to read without them feeling overwhelmed by a whole page of text."
This is a function of blogger's templates. I couldn't find one that shows the titles of the posts. The best I could do was change the archive on the left to show all the various month's archives. If anyone knows a blogger template that lists all the post titles, let me know.

If say you want to send someone a link to my post about the Pyramids, without showing the other 7 posts from January, here are 3 ways:

1) If you know what month the post is in:
- Click January on the left
- Scroll down to the title of the post on the pyramids.
- Right click on the title, and click "copy link". That link is the direct link to the post.
- Paste the link into your email.

2) Another way, if you don't know what month the old post is in, is to do a direct google search:
- " pyramids"

3) A 3rd way is to use the search box in the upper left of the blog template:
- Type in "pyramids"
-click "search blog", and all the posts with the word "pyramids" will show.

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